Monday, July 30, 2007

I am

A newborn star's reflection
upon sea surfaces
at night,

I shine brightly
and spread light.

The day-old mountain's wind
set upon an ocean's

I sing in fields
and run.

The depth of trenches
breathing heavily
and deep,

I bow the earth
and sleep.

A slowly waking bud,
mine point affixed
into the sun,

I bloom so madly
with love.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Stir

When did you
burst into my soul,
running about wildly between
tables, coin money
flying everywhere,

When did love
enter, a bullet
in me, to rip
and twist the flesh
of my domain,

When did armies
invade to conquer
my rebellious province,
and set things right,

and when did you ravish
with your spoken
acts of light?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Character Love

How is it,
that she now becomes
so beautiful.

Has she been
hidden away
in a cocoon
furtively waiting
for a time
to spread

How is it:
I am so struck
by fire as this.

How is it so:
when I can scarcely
bear to look
at her body,

Since I lack
the will to
retreat from
a safe haven

Saturday, July 21, 2007

How to Care for Hyacinths (and a General Guide to flowers)

To grow a hyacinth:
Watch and water its roots,
sing for its leaves,
keep its bloom aloft,
protect it from thieves,
(do not disturb
their petals,
you are not a bee),
Do not separate it from the ground,
DO NOT separate it from the ground,
(their roots are theirs
and are meant to be hidden).
Let it open itself to the sky.
Let it live.

How to Care for Hyacinths (and a General Guide to flowers)

A man's true heart shall fall
through sieves, as light
is scattered between edges
of fickle glass panes
or pieces of silk escaped from hands
of a jealous wind.

A man's true soul shall stay
encased, intimately reflected
in a prism of days, patterned
by his youthful joy.

To grow hyacinths well:
Watch and water their roots,
sing for their leaves,
keep their buds alive,
protect them,
(but do not disturb
their petals),
let them live.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Memoirs - Sicilia

One must wake early to make love
to the wet earth. One must make
the sun his second wife, and sleep
with her daily.

One must live for fickle hearts,
The roots one has and holds
forever in himself.

One must burn to
loathe his land-thieves, and
caress his pregnant soil-spouse
with a tender hand.

One must learn that
souls of fields are their shimmer
in the wind.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Memoirs - Sagrada Familia

Two:-----Earth sleeps.
Three:-------Earth sleeps.
Four:---------------Earth sleeps to darkness.
Five:--------Earth sleeps.
Six:-----Earth sleeps.

Two:-----Earth wakes.
Three:-------Earth wakes.
Four:--------------Earth wakes to the sound of water.
Five:--------Earth wakes.
Six:-----Earth wakes.

Two:-----Man wakes
Three:-------Man wakes
Four:--------------Man wakes to the rising of the sun.
Five:--------Man wakes
Six:-----Man wakes

Two:-----Human sleep.
Three:-------Human sleep.
Four:----------------Humanity sleeps to dust.
Five:--------Human sleep.
Six:-----Human sleep.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007